Tuesday 24 January 2012

Hanna Muller - Drawing Full Length Illustration

After studying the basic elements of Hanna Muller's drawings, I have decided to attempt copying one of her full-length illustrations.  The illustration which I have chosen to replicate is shown below and I have chosen this specific image as really like the detail on the legs.
Hanna Muller's own illustration
Image available at: http://www.pinterest.com
[Accessed: 24 January 2012]
I chose to complete a pencil study of the illustration above using a black graphic pen for the pattern on the legs.  I was satisfied with the result of this technique and my finished work is shown below.
My illustration completed using pencil
and a black graphic pen
I wanted to work on this illustration further so I decided to edit it on Photoshop.  I used the magic wand tool to select the bold black pattern on the legs and then used the 'fill' option to add a solid black colour.  I then created an outline of the illustration before using the smudge tool to work on top of my own original drawing to create a smooth finish.  A screenshot of this process is shown below along with my finished  illsutration beneath.
Screenshot showing the 'fill' process which was used on the legs
My finished illustration created using Photoshop
I am very pleased with the results of this drawing as I feel that I have been able to recreate the graphic pattern on the legs successfully.  I found it a lot easier to recreate the illustration on Photoshop as I was able to manipulate the drawing with relative ease in order to create the desired results.

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